Monday, September 29, 2008

Celebrity Morph by MyHeritage

Dave and I were out to eat with some friends this past weekend and as we were walking to the car my friend yelled out,"THAT'S IT! You look like Sally Fields!" I have had many people tell me that throughout the years. Well here it is, you be the judge.

MyHeritage: Family tree - Genealogy - Celeb


Tyler Bushman said...

That is too funny. I have never thought that before, but now, I think you're pretty much going to be called Sally from here on out.

crack'n up ourselves said...

I would have never thought that you looked like Sally Fields. All well, they say I look like Reese Witherspoon.

Amy said...

You totally look like Sally Fields...I love her! I can't believe Grace is already 1!

Amy said...

Is Dave taking guitar lessons again?

Alona said...

I never would have thought that just because I've known you forever and . . . you're you, but after seeing those pictures together, I can totally see it!